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Off to a Good Start: Trimming Foals

In this webinar Kirsten Proctor will teach us how to start foals successfully for hoof care. She will guide us through handling, relationship, balance and trimming. Owners and hoof care providers will learn to successfully manage foal feet as the horse ages into adulthood. Kirsten will also discuss some of the main pathologies encountered in the field and how to approach them.

Kirsten Proctor, PHCP member and hoof care provider, was training racehorses when her personal riding horse began struggling with low grade laminitis. She became fascinated with the path of rehabilitation and his recovery. She spent a couple of years trimming her own herd and trying to take in all of the information that she could from many different people and resources. Her passion for hoof care evolved and she decided to take the leap, leaving racing behind, and pursuing hoof care full time with a focus on the early hoof care of foals. Kirsten lives in Saratoga, NY.