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Selden, NY (US)

Serving NY.



Barbara Fiore

Intermediate Student Practitioner

My name is Barbara Fiore. I currently live in Long Island, NY. I have been around horses for about 20 years now, and my hoof care journey began in 2020.

After losing my office job during the Covid-19 pandemic, I decided it was time to pursue something I genuinely enjoyed. Therefore, I became a student of PHCP. Since then, I have been trying to absorb and learn as much as I can about natural trimming and equine husbandry. I have been shadowing my mentor, Jeaneane Mercuri, for the past year. I have also had the pleasure of completing Mentorships with some wonderful PHCP mentors around the East Coast of the USA.

As I begin the next steps in my journey and take on my own clients, I hope to learn and understand so much more.