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Leavenworth, WA (US)

Serving WA.




Katie Garrett

Practitioner, Mentor

Horses have been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. I had the opportunity to pursue hoof care and change my career path in 2014. Since then I have learned more than I ever could have imagined! I joined PHCP in 2020, becoming a Practitioner in 2021 and pursuing Mentor status in 2024. I have a true passion for healthy equines, large and small. Diet, conformation, environment, movement, pathology, are all factors in my practice. I am an Easy Care and Scoot Boot Dealer. Glue-on shoes are a regular tool in my practice.
Living in rocky and rugged terrain, most of my clients ride trails with boots. I offer casting, several different types glue-ons, therapy and rehab programs, and maintenance for all working equines. I especially love the American Mustang and enjoy providing the first hoof care experience.
Riding is a very integral part of my horsemanship and I show in Working Equitation with my Mustang, Jazz. Riding helps me understand how truly important movement and posture are to maintain balance, overall health, and soundness. I am a big believer in body work for both equines and humans!
Now I have a full client load in the Wenatchee Valley and surrounding areas, as well as Snohomish County. I am accepting new clients on a very conditional basis. I am happy to chat and can also provide referrals if I am not able to accommodate new clients. Text is the best way to reach me.

I am available Tues-Friday for Mentorships and will consider taking students outside of those days on a case by case basis. I enjoy working with students of all levels and encourage multi-day Mentorships. I am happy to travel as well! Most of my clients are in Eastern Washington, which is a hot, desert environment with cold snowy winters. We typically go without rain for several months in the summer. I also have clients in Western Washington which is just the opposite; coastal and very wet. Because of this I can provide insight to most climates and adapt to the student’s home environment. The best time for Mentorships is Spring – Fall. Travel in Winter can be difficult. Summers are very hot so be prepared to start early if you decide to come during the summer months.
Leavenworth is a beautiful little town nestled in the North Cascades, a wonderful place to visit with many lovely accommodations and things to do. I am about two and a half hours from SeaTac Airport, and forty five minutes from Pangborn, a smaller less accessible airport. There is a very affordable shuttle that operates from SeaTac.
Please allow 5-6 week lead time for me to appropriately schedule horses and give my clients notice of Mentorships.