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Becoming a PHCP Mentor


Prospective Mentors must have a minimum of 5 years working as a professional hoof care provider,  be certified through PHCP for a minimum of 2 years, and be active in the organization to better understand the training program.

The process for prospective mentors is as follows

  1. A recommendation from a PHCP Mentor must be received by PHCP President Christina Krueger before an application can be submitted.
  2. Once the recommendation is received and approved the Practitioner will be notified and may submit a Prospective Mentor application.
  3. Schedule an evaluation day with a Mentor. We will recommend Mentors participating in this special evaluation, for you to choose from. You will work with a student under the Mentor’s tutelage during the evaluation day. This student may be a PHCP student or a non-member. PHCP will pay the full mentorship fee to the Mentor.
  4. Submit the 3 required video segments.

Video segment requirements

Video segments must be less than 20 minutes to be uploaded onto the SmugMug site. Upload instructions will be provided.

  1.  Maintenance trim
    One or two, 10 to 15 minute segments demonstrating a maintenance trim while ‘teaching’ to the camera. We are the students, so share your thought process concerning the horse before you. What is his diet and lifestyle? Trim cycle? Watch him move to demonstrate soundness and discuss anything you see. Document a complete trim on one foot so we may observe your style and efficiency, as would a student working with you. Please include some close up views of the hoof pre and post trim. Use the same views required in the Final Media Presentation. These can be captured on video or as still photos if you prefer.
  2.  Pathology
    One or two, 10 to 15 minute segments trimming a horse with hoof pathology and ‘teaching’ to the camera. We are the students so share your thought process concerning the horse before you. What is his diet and lifestyle? Possible causes of pathology? Lameness? Your overall plan for rehab? Document a complete trim on one foot while discussing what you are doing and why. Please include some close up views of the hoof pre and post trim. Use the same views required in the Final Media Presentation. These can be captured on video or as still photos if you prefer.
  3. Teaching
    One or two, 10 to 15 minute segments of the Prospective Mentor teaching a student. This can be created during the Evaluation Day or it may be created and submitted before or after that day. This video should give us a good idea of how the applicant interacts with the student.

Video tips

  • Choose a quiet place to shoot. Wind and outside noise make it very difficult for the Evaluation Committee to hear what is being said.
  • Be sure the volume is all the way up on the recording device.
  • Speak slowly, loudly, and clearly.
  • Review the video for content and quality. Can you be easily heard? It sometimes takes more than one try to get a good video.
  • Don’t get frustrated; it’s hard to predict what can go wrong.
  • Relax and have fun. Just speak to us and your student naturally. Share your thoughts as they come to you and don’t be afraid to say things in a couple different ways to clarify your points.

The Evaluation Committee will consider your application, the Mentor’s evaluation and recommendation, the video clips, and any other information gathered in your file at PHCP. There is a lot of information to review so please be patient with this process, and thank you for your time!