PHCP logotype
Pink-gloved hands of barefoot trimmer working on hoof.

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Step 6

Step 6 – Final Media Presentation

Once a student has been approved by their final mentor they may submit their Final Media Presentation. This must be posted within one year of the final mentorship or another mentorship will be required.

In addition to a maintenance trim, it will include a progressive case study on a horse with hoof pathology. This will take several months to complete so each student should plan in advance, documenting several potential subjects along the way.

In lieu of travel to examiners, which can be expensive and difficult for many students, PHCP evaluates students with a combination of the media presentations and documents collected in a student’s file. Putting together a media presentation may seem time consuming but we feel it is a more accessible alternative to the typical in-person examinations required in the farrier community. Our reliance on photos requires impeccable workmanship so the student may demonstrate a conscientious attention to detail and mastery of their tools. Please take the time to submit your most professional polished work.

The final media presentation is a fantastic opportunity to receive feedback from some of our top mentors who make up the Evaluation Committee. Not everyone passes on the first try. You will receive support and direction to help with any additional submissions that may be requested.

Once the student has passed the Evaluation Committee they will receive a summary of constructive comments on their media presentation and they will become a PHCP Certified Practitioner.