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Pink-gloved hands of barefoot trimmer working on hoof.

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Prospective Mentor Evaluation

This document is to be filled out by a Mentor following a prospective mentor evaluation day. Please fill it out promptly when the day’s events are fresh in your mind. It will be an important part of the information shared with the Evaluation Committee. It will not be shared with the student or placed in their file as with regular mentorship evaluations.

Please give lots of detail and share examples from the day. Assume the committee does not know this candidate and it is your job to give them the most complete picture possible. You may have to prompt some discussion about the questions below, so please become familiar with these before the evaluation day.

Don’t overbook this day. Be sure there is plenty of time for discussion and you may want to sit and talk with the prospective mentor alone at the end of the day to clarify any questions you may have.

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