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Erie, CO (US)

Serving CO.



Philip Himanka

Practitioner, Mentor, Clinician

Performance equine services and hoof care. Specialized in glueing and rehabilitation. Trimming, boot fitting and more. I do continuous education trough PHCP, seminars and clinics besides attending every year to the International Hoof Care Summit. I have been working with Endurance Horses for over 12 years. I am a member of: PHCP, AERC, AAPF, CAPF.

I recently became a mentor and I love to teach. Hands on, one student at a time works best unless I’m teaching a clinic. I charge 150.00 per day, and if you are traveling, 2 days are great. I’ve been glueing for over 10 years and if a student, practitioner or mentor is interested, I will love to teach what is been working for me. Regarding the glueing mentorship if the student is not a beginner I can cover it in one day.

I believe that we are on the face of the earth to provide great services not only to humans and that’s not changing. I am constantly focusing on innovating. I believe in complex interaction of different factors in time. I believe that we need to understand and benefit from the primary technologies behind the products that are innovative, and participate only in fields where we can make a significant contribution. I believe in saying no to numerous projects, so that I can really focus on the few that are truly important and meaningful to the horse welfare. I believe in deep collaboration and cross-pollination of our groups, which allow hoof care providers to innovate and learn from each other. And frankly, I don’t settle for anything less than excellence in every challenge, believing in self-honesty to admit when I am wrong and have the courage to change.

I’m not taking new clients unless it’s a rehabilitation.

The best way to reach me is a detailed text message to my phone with your information.