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Pink-gloved hands of barefoot trimmer working on hoof.

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Santa Barbara, CA (US)

Serving CA.



Miranda Fior

Practitioner, Mentor

I started trimming in 2002 to help my own laminitic mare, and have been trimming professionally since 2004. I’m very grateful to have had Dr Eleanor Kellon as my first mentor both in nutrition and in hoof care. I later became a member of the AANHCP and then moved on to become one of the founding members of the PHCP. I have a special interest in laminitis/founder and rehabilitation, and also a focus on equine nutrition.

I’m currently taking a limited number of new clients on a case by case basis.

For PHCP Students looking to do a mentorship: Mentorships are $175/ day. Of that, PHCP students pay $100 and $75 is covered through the PHCP Foundation. I enjoy working with beginning students on trim basicsĀ on up to advanced students working with pathology when available.

*Note–I am currently taking a break on mentorships during covid due to family health concerns but hope to get back to mentoring soon. Thank you for your patience.