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Pink-gloved hands of barefoot trimmer working on hoof.

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Orangeville, ON (CA)


Barefoot Horse Canada




Jessica Fobert


I started learning to trim my own horses in 2009 with my trimmer. Then I noticed the need for balanced feet in my training clients and began trimming beyond my own in 2011, and it snowballed from there. I have a local mentor who supported my early learning, and I followed Pete Ramey’s approach as closely as I could along the way.

In 2017 I was entrusted with Barefoot Horse Canada by Anne Riddell, who started her mission to help horses in 2005. I intend to continue educating people about the whole-horse approach to help improve the lives of horses, ponies and donkeys in Ontario and abroad.

I certified with American Hoof Association , and then just recently with PHCP – thank you! My goal is to become a mentor. We need more educated barefoot trimmers in Ontario.

I LOVE rehabilitation cases; watching them move through their healing journey to soundess is exhilarating every time! I have a special interest in donkeys and minis. I am available for consultation, assessment, and rehab support.