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Pink-gloved hands of barefoot trimmer working on hoof.

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Congerville, IL (US)

Serving IL.


AHA/ PHCP/ Mackinaw Dells 2 AWHHC



Ida Hammer

Practitioner, Clinician

I have had horses for over 50 years. I have participated in a variety of disciplines. In my early years I followed the traditional paths of Horse care. While I had practiced hoof care for my horses on and off over 30 years ago, it wasn’t until I had experienced navicular disease on 2 of my own horses that dived full force into Whole Horse Hoof Care. I am a former member of the AANHCP, AHA, and a current member of the PHCP. I am also the founder of Mackinaw Dells 2 Whole Horse Hoof Care. I have graduates throughout the U.S. that have also proudly, become members of the PHCP. Some of the classes I teach, meet certain criteria for the PHCP.
I trim in Illinois and throughout the U.S. for rehab cases and consultations.