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Apple Valley, CA (US)

Serving CA.


PT Hoofcare



Hannah Klopping

Intermediate Student Practitioner

I currently offer my trimming services in the High Desert of Southern California with a 25 mile travel radius. The best way to get ahold of me is via text or email!

I sparked an interest in hoof care after my own horse was diagnosed with Navicular Disease and rapidly became more unsound after trying different steel shoe packages. I decided I wanted to give the barefoot rehab route a try and began devoting myself to the “Barefoot Rehab for Navicular Disease” group on Facebook. I quickly found myself listening to hoof care podcast episodes, reading articles, books, and chatting with other hoof obsessed people. I wanted to start learning how to trim and joined the PHCP. Ever since attending my first clinic, I was enthralled to learn more. My approach to hoof-care is science and whole body based. I enjoy looking at the biomechanics, posture, environment, lifestyle, overall health and diet of the horse. It is my mission to help owners and horses be the best versions of themselves as possible.