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PHCP Annual Report 2024
Progressive Hoof Care Practitioners is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to provide a supportive network and educational foundation for hoof care professionals and horse owners based on a holistic and progressive approach to equine hoof care.
In 2024 PHCP made some changes to the PHCP administrative team. Marie Daniels stepped down as the treasurer and rotated off of the Board of Directors (BOD); Leslie Carrig filled in as treasurer until Kristine Jubeck accepted the treasurer role starting in 2025. Melody O’Brien joined the BOD in June 2024 and accepted the role as Dean of Students starting in 2025. Lorie Fleenor joined the BOD in June 2024 and accepted the role as Chairman of the Board, which is a new position separate from the Presidential role. Christina Agosto will remain President in 2025. Once Melody and Kristine were established in their positions, Leslie rotated off of the BOD and is now heading up the Scholarship Fund fundraising efforts. These changes are big shifts for PHCP but it is important that we rotate people in and out of these positions to bring in fresh ideas and to avoid burnout. PHCP really appreciates those who stayed in their roles until we were able to find replacements.
We welcomed legal attorney and horse owner, Monica Floeck, to the BOD. Monica has been hard at work bringing the legalities of running the organization up to date. She created waivers for clinics and mentorships, which are individualized by state, and is working with a small group to help overhaul our bylaws.
This year we hired our first Office Manager, Deanna Stoppler. Deanna has been volunteering for PHCP as Communications Chair and helping Leslie manage office administration tasks for the past couple of years. In her new role, she will manage the many tasks that Leslie has volunteered hours of her time each year to complete. These tasks include answering emails, adding events to the website, organization and data entry of student information in our student database, tracking participants for clinics and webinars, updating user profiles and directory entries, and sending out newsletters. Deanna will continue to volunteer her time as our Chair of the Communications Advisory Committee on top of this position. Adding this paid position is a huge step forward for us as an organization. We are grateful for Leslie’s commitment and time setting up these efficient work systems over the years, and are already noticing the benefits of dedicating an employee to oversee these tasks.
New Programs
We launched our Regional Chapters program at the conference in Chicago and so far it is off to a great start. The chairs of each region are gathering information from their members and starting to plan events such as gatherings, clinics, and group mentorships. We are excited to see how this progresses as each region becomes more connected.
We are also piloting a group called the Outreach and Advancement Advisory Committee. This group is currently in research mode, gathering information about the types of events PHCP might attend, and the funding necessary to make that happen.
In October we hosted our conference in Chicago, IL, at the Rosemont Crowne Plaza Hotel. Speakers included Dr. David Rendle, Dr. Jenny Hagan, Celeste Lazaris, Ida Hammer and Wendy Murdoch. We also organized round table discussions moderated by PHCP members.
On the final day of the conference we had two breakout sessions. An interactive anatomy breakout session called Coffee & Coffin Bones: Bring Your Own Bones and a panel discussion led by PHCP mentors. For the anatomy session we invited conference attendees to bring their interesting bones and specimens to share with others. The sessions were rotated, so all attendees had an opportunity to visit each session.
Feedback from conference attendees was overwhelmingly positive. The highlight for many attendees was the quality of the speakers and the new information that they presented, and time spent socializing with colleagues and friends.
Even though the conference was a success, we did not meet our goal attendance rate needed to host the event at this type of venue with catered meals. Unfortunately, not all members are able to afford the travel and registration costs for these events. We appreciate everyone in attendance, and though we would like to host another similar conference, we will look into a different format that is possibly a bit less formal and expensive for the next gathering.
Education Update
The Education Advisory Committee continues to knock it out of the park with tons of quality educational offerings. The end of year statistics include the following:
156 Beginner students
55 Intermediate students
24 Advanced students
5 Clinicians
16 Mentors
40 Certified Practitioners
8 Hands-on Clinics
16 Webinars
180 Mentorship Days
We expanded the clinic offerings to include a two-day Advanced Anatomy and Radiograph Clinic taught by Maia Chaput. This clinic showed us that Advanced Anatomy and Radiograph Clinics are necessary offerings for students. We now offer the Advanced Anatomy Clinics in QC, TN, and CO. We will be looking for ways to integrate advanced clinics into the curriculum in the future.
The International Association of Professional Farriers (IAPF) continues to offer CE credits through their organization for all of our course offerings and has them listed on their website. The IAPF is an organization that is also committed to educating horse owners and hoof care providers.
Assets FY 2024
- Starting: $80,681
- Ending: $90,453
- Change: +$9,772
Liabilities FY 2024
- Unspent scholarship funds: $15,310
Revenue and Expenses
- Total Income: $152,408
- Total Expenses: $140,358
Overall, we are in a very good place financially. We are hoping to allocate more funds in 2026 to the Regional Chapters and Outreach and Advancement Advisory Committee after those groups research where we could make the most impact with those funds.
2024 was our fourth year awarding Education Scholarships. A total of $17,500 was awarded to 7 students, and two of those students achieved certification in 2024.
The 2024 Conference Scholarship Raffle Fund raised $2,305, thanks to 17 product and service donors. We would like to say a huge thanks to Karen Ward and Ruthie Thompson-Klein for organizing and executing the raffle. In total, there were $13,660 Scholarship Fund donations in 2024, including three large gifts of $5,000, $2,500 and $1,000. A new Scholarship Subcommittee was formed and is dedicated to fundraising for the 2025 Scholarship Fund. This will help us direct more of our operating funds to growing the organization while still offering these important scholarships to students in need of assistance.
Ways to Get Involved!
PHCP had a big year thanks to all of the people who have volunteered their time and talents to the organization!
If you would like to learn more about volunteering and getting involved, please reach out to Christina Agosto at The advisory committees that always need more members are the Enrollment Advisory Committee, Scholarship Fundraising Advisory Subcommittee, and Outreach and Advancement Advisory Committee.
Please consider joining your Regional Chapter to connect with PHCP members in your area. Here is a list of the chapters and their chairs.
THANK YOU for being a member of PHCP and for supporting our mission and vision of sharing hoof care education with as many people as possible! We look forward to another year of serving, strengthening, and growing the hoof care community.