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PHCP Mentor Spotlight – Melody O’Brien

Melody is a mentor, clinician, practitioner and is on the PHCP Enrollment Committee. She has been a PHCP member since 2010.

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you got started in hoof care

In 2010, our daughter, Tara, was a toddler, and since I knew she was our last child I wanted to start building a business to supplement our income. I started daydreaming about working with horses but wasn’t exactly sure what that would look like. Sally Hugg was trimming in my area and I started having her trim my horse, Arnie. I missed one of her visits and called to ask if she was coming up again soon. She said no, and asked if I was at all interested in learning how to trim. Her California Trace business was really starting to take off and she was downsizing clients. She told me about the PHCP training program, so I checked it out and dove in headfirst! The rest is history. Thank you Sally!

What is your favorite thing about being part of PHCP

I love PHCP because of the ongoing commitment to education, and I really appreciate the support the PHCP provides in reaching our hoof care goals. Most of all, I love the amazing folks that make up the organization!

What are your interests besides all things hooves

Herbal medicine, gardening, dancing, yoga, hiking, self development, astrology, canoeing, camping, and enjoying each day!

Tell us something people may not know about you

I studied architecture in college for 3 years but then had my “college life crisis” and decided I probably couldn’t work in an office for my career. I decided to travel solo for a year to take a break and gain some perspective… so I headed off to Australia, Papua New Guinea, Tasmania, New Zealand, and Fiji. Of course, I found horses wherever I went, and had the most amazing experiences. I still say that traveling solo as a young woman was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made! I came back to the states, finished my college degree in Geography & Planning, with a minor in Geosciences, met my amazing husband, then moved to Quincy, CA, started a family, and have been living my dream ever since!