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A Look at the 2023 Mentors Gathering in Townsend, VT

Advancement, Camaraderie, Education, and Fun

In May PHCP hosted its biennial mentors training and advancement gathering in Townsend, VT. Mentors and prospective mentors traveled from all over the US to gather for this collaboration. The purpose of the event is to provide continuing education for current mentors and training for prospective mentors.

Mentor Certification

One of the biggest areas of feedback has been that PHCP needs to broaden its mentor base and this event makes that possible. We spent the first day going over administrative details and changes to the training program. Current mentors shared their experiences and ideas. The second day was spent on site at Gerda’s Equine Rescue where prospective mentors were paired up with students and experienced mentors to practice teaching students with live horses.

We had 11 current mentors in attendance and 5 prospective mentors. Two prospective mentors have already been certified since the gathering. Congratulations to our newest mentors Lorie Fleenor and Alicia Harlov.

Connecting Face to Face

Many mentors connect online but haven’t met in person, which makes these gatherings even more important. They are an opportunity for colleagues to get to know each other face to face. To share stories, experiences, and expertise and to help each other with specific challenges faced in their practices.

Appreciating our Mentors

Being a mentor is a big responsibility and requires a lot of time and effort. PHCP is grateful for all of our past mentors, prospective mentors and current mentors, and appreciate their effort and dedication. We would not be who we are without them.