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PHCP Mentor Spotlight – Jeannean Mercuri

Jeannean is a PHCP mentor, clinician, and practitioner. She is on the Board of Directors and Education Committee and has been a member since 2009.

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you got started in hoof care

I started my hoof care obsession back in 2000 with my beloved mare Piggy. She didn’t have any hoof issues except that the farrier thought she needed four shoes. She had white line disease and thrush often, underrun heels, thin soles, NPA etc. You get the picture. But she was “fine” according to the “experts”. I pulled her shoes because I just never quite understood why horses need shoes. I was a big “but why?” person. I didn’t grow up with horses so I did not understand a lot of the weird horse traditions. Thankfully the internet was just starting and so was Dr. Strasser and Jaime Jackson. I was able to read all about these other people who agreed with crazy me. So we pulled her shoes. I started trimming and I went to any clinic I could find. Her transition was horrible! If only I knew then what I know now I could have helped her sick hooves and body in a much better way.

I was not about to give up to the people around me telling me to put shoes back on so I kept searching and searching. Eventually more knowledge was published out there by Pete Ramey, KC LaPierre and others. Soon I wound up talking to Leslie Carrig by chance and was on a plane that weekend to fly out to my first PHCP clinic and mentorship. By 2013 I had become a mentor for PHCP.

What is your favorite thing about the PHCP

I love how there is not just one person to learn from in PHCP. The interaction between students and mentors on the forum, at clinics and conferences is what makes PHCP an amazing educational experience. I love how PHCP looks at the whole horse and encourages continuing education, learning from as many people as you can, and developing your own feel. As a mentor in PHCP I have been able to help others in my predicament by giving them the physical, mental, and emotional support needed to trudge on and follow their gut when very often they feel alone and isolated. One way I feel I can help others is by being on the PHCP Enrollment Committee helping students as they embark on their journey in their own way. I’m also a Pegasus to help those, who like me, need a little extra help to keep them on track as they go through the training. As Education Director I strive to improve the quality of education we offer our students and members. I love to travel and try to mix up travel with hooves. This has brought me all over the USA and to Italy, Canada, and Spain, to help teach as well as make new hoof obsessed friends. It’s funny, I don’t consider myself a “team player” yet PHCP is my home team.

What are your interests besides all things hooves

Prior to becoming a Hoof Care Practitioner I received my Yoga Teaching Certification from Kripalu and my Pilates training from Balanced Body. I still teach a few classes which is good for me and helps prepare me for my day trimming.

Tell us something people may not know about you

My dream is to live in a sundress, barefoot with my horses, hiking in the warm sunshine.

View the calendar to view dates for Beginning Clinics with Jeannean and the learn page to sign up for her WTF? (What the Founder) webinar.