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Diet and Lifestyle
PHCP Introduction to Equine Diet & Lifestyle
Students should study this document during Beginning Studies and refer to it often. It is an excellent resource for horse owners as well.
Nutrient Requirements of Horses
The sixth revised edition is available online or you can purchase the book. It includes extensive tables covering daily nutritional requirement based upon; age, weight, type (stallion, pregnant/lactating mare, growing, working, adult), and activity level. A detailed explanation of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, digestibility, feeding, management, and more.
Introduction to Horse Nutrition 
Easy to understand, covers the topics of; equine digestion, nutrition, energy, formulation, feeding different types of horses, diet related problems, with summary points at the end of every chapter.
Dr.K’s Horse Sense
These short online articles are written by Dr. Eleanor Kellon on a variety of subjects pertaining to horse health.
Safer Grass
As a forage researcher, Kathryn Watts shares her knowledge of carbohydrates in forage and more on her website. Laminitis prevention is her passion and through her articles she helps us to make intelligent decisions about the forage we feed our horses.
Horse Journal Guide to Equine Supplements and Nutraceuticals
Eleanor Kellon, VMD has written an easy to understand nutrition text which covers the basics of horse nutrition along with topics like probiotics, feeding pregnant mares, seniors, the hoof, skin and coat supplements, immune-system support, weight gain, myths, herbs, anti-inflammatories, and more. Dr. Kellon provides the facts about many name brands and their ingredients in easy to understand charts, so the reader can easily make comparisons.
Care and Rehabilitation of the Equine Hoof
This must have hoof care text book by Pete Ramey covers a variety of subjects affecting the health of the equine hoof. Chapters include Nutrition and the Hoof, and Hay Analysis by Eleanor Kellon VMD, Carbohydrates in Pasture Plants: A Moving Target by Kathryn Watts, and Equine Ulcers by Kerry Ridgeway DVM, etc.
Paddock Paradise – A guide to Natural Horse Boarding
Jaime Jackson shows us how to create a stimulating environment to benefit the horse’s health, hoof, and well-being, based on the study of horses in the wild.